The Taipei Assassins took the Season Two Championship Title last night with their 3 - 1 victory over Azubu Frost, as well as the Championship Cup (Pictured Below) and $1,000,000.
The crowd at the championship match was packed and lively all throughout the four game match. The cheers could be heard even over the announcers, and the fans gave a warm reception to the Taipei Assassins after their amazing victory. As they stood there holding up their new trophy, they stared into a whole arena of fans riled up at the thrilling event. |
Game 1
1 - Azubu Frost vs Taipei Assassins - 0
Win | AZF | vs | TPA | Loss |
Bans | Picks | Role | Picks | Bans |
Jayce | Karthus | AP Mid | Anivia | Blitzcrank |
Orianna | Ezreal | AD Carry | Vayne | Skarner |
Kog'Maw | Sona | Support | Lulu | Jax |
Irelia | Top | Olaf | ||
Amumu | Jungle | Maokai |
Azubu Frost started off strong, taking Olaf for first blood in top lane. However, their initial boost wore off quickly, as TPA quickly took a large kill lead. However Rapidstar picks up a crowd-gasping Quadra-kill in one of the games first team fights, bumping his 0 - 2 score to 4 - 2 in an instant. Karthus continued picking up multiple kills in each fight from then on, snowballing and carrying Azubu Frost to a first-game victory.
Game 2
1 - Azubu Frost vs Taipei Assassins - 1
Loss | AZF | vs | TPA | Win |
Bans | Picks | Role | Picks | Bans |
Nidalee | Anivia | AP Mid | Karthus | Blitzcrank |
Kog'Maw | Ezreal | AD Carry | Caitlyn | Skarner |
Orianna | Zyra | Support | Sona | Jayce |
Jax | Top | Shen | ||
Maokai | Jungle | Dr. Mundo |
This game TPA gets first blood on Zyra. The early and mid game were pretty much secluded to heavy farming by both teams. Once team fights began,TPA now having Kathus instead this game, he once again snowballs and wins the game for his team. This puts the two teams at 1 - 1, and at this point it is Karthus - 2, Everyone Else - 0.
Game 3
1 - Azubu Frost vs Taipei Assassins - 2
Loss | AZF | vs | TPA | Win |
Bans | Picks | Role | Picks | Bans |
Jayce | Anivia | AP Mid | Orianna | Skarner |
Nidalee | Ezreal | AD Carry | Vayne | Blitzcrank |
Karthus | Leona | Support | Nunu | Sona |
Vladimir | Top | Jax | ||
Shen | Jungle | Dr. Mundo |
This game features no Karthus, as Azubu Frost bans him as their third ban pick. However, TPA had a sufficient back-up, Orianna, who devastated mid in both kills and cs. Once again the stronger mid AP Carry ends up on the winning side, in great part to their individual strength. This game ended with Azubu Frost actually surrendering after repeated lost team-fights causing both their nexus' towers to be destroyed, and TPA having just picked up a free Baron.
Game 4
1 - Azubu Frost vs Taipei Assassins - 3
AZF | vs | TPA | ||
Bans | Picks | Role | Picks | Bans |
Nidalee | Lux | AP Mid | Orianna | Blitzcrank |
Karthus | Graves | AD Carry | Ezreal | Skarner |
Maokai | Lulu | Support | Nunu | Sona |
Jayce | Top | Shen | ||
Shyvana | Jungle | Dr. Mundo |
Apparently Azubu Frost didn't learn from the previous game, as they did not ban Orianna and proceded to first pick Jayce, allowing the other team to once again pick Orianna. Toyz (TPA's AP mid) procceded to get first blood at 2:00, only making it easier for him to once again snowball and carry his team to an extremely large gold gap (around 16k by the end of the match). Not unlike the previous game, TPA wins by avoiding straight up team fighting, instead steadily increasing the gold gap via taking all the jungle while pressuring lanes. When they finally decided to push mid, they powered through it with Azubu Frost powerless to stop them, even with all their players on defense. After two landslide team-fights TPA scores an ace and finishes off the last remaining Tower and the Nexus, securing the Season Two Championship. Seen Below is TPA holding up their new trophy only minutes after winning the 4th game. TPA really came prepared for this match, and their determination payed off. Azubu Frost can still boast second best, as well as a nice $250,000 cash prize. Both teams played well and I hope we'll see them both in the Season 3 Championship Tournament! |
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